
Pre-prints and under-review

  • Maitland, B.M., Bootsma, H.A., Bronte, C.R., Bunnell, D.B., Feiner, Z.F., Fenske, K.H., Fetzer, W.W., Foley, C.J., Gerig, B.S., Happel, A., Höök, T.O., Keppeller, F.W., Kornis, M.S., Lepak, R.F., McNaught, A.S., Roth, B.M., Turschak, B.A., Hoffman, J.C., Jensen, O.J. Testing food web theory in large lakes: the role of body size in habitat coupling in Lake Michigan. Under review at Ecology.  

Peer-reviews articles


  • Ward, N.K., Lynch, A.J., Beever, E.A., Bouska, K., Embke, H., Kocic, J., Limpinsel, D., Magee, M.R., Maitland, B.M., Morton, J.M., Muelbauer, J.D., Oliver, D.C., Rantala, H.M., Sass, G.G., Schultz, A., Thompson, L.M., Wilkening, J. Reimagining Large River Management using the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) Framework in the Upper Mississippi River. Ecological Processes 12(1): 48. [doi]
  • Maitland, B.M., Rahel, F.J. 2023. Food web expansion and trophic redundancy across the Rocky Mountain—Great Plains ecotone. Ecology 104(7): e4103. [doi, data + code]


  • Maitland, B.M., Latzka, A.L. 2022. Shifting climate conditions affect recruitment in Midwestern stream trout, but depend on seasonal and spatial context. Ecosphere 13(12): e4308. [doi, data + code]
  • Kirk, M.A., Maitland, B.M., Hickerson, B.T., Walters, A.W., Rahel, F.J. 2022. Climatic drivers and ecological impact of a rapid range expansion by non-native smallmouth bass in a Wyoming river. Biological Invasions 24: 1311-1326. [doi]
  • Feiner, Z., Embke, H., Latzka, A.L., Maitland, B.M., Sass, G., Schltz, A., Trudeau, A., Dassow, C., Mitro, M., Homola, J., Isserman, D. 2022. RAD considerations for climate change adaptation in fisheries: the Wisconsin experience. Fisheries Management and Ecology 29(4): 346-363. [doi]
  • Lapides, D.A., Maitland, B.M., Zipper, S.C., Latzka, A.W. 2022. Environmental flows approaches to stream depletion management–a literature review. Journal of Hydrology 607: 127447. [doi]
  • Medinski, N.A., Maitland, B.M., Jardine, T.D., Drake, D.A.R., Poesch, M.S. 2022. Industrial disturbance induces isotopic niche shifts in an endangered and a non-native fish species. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 79(8): 1321-1334. [doi}


  • Voter, C.B., Guerrero-Bolano, F.J., Latzka, A.W., Maitland, B.M., Hauxwell, J. 2021. Adaptable university-agency early-career fellowship program creates win-win-win for Wisconsin’s Waters. Special issue in Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education 178(1): 139-154. [doi]
  • Maitland, B.M., Martínez del Rio, C., Rahel, F.J. 2021. Effects of temperature on 13C and 15N incorporation rates and discrimination factors in two North American fishes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 78(12): 1833-1840. [doi]


  • Maitland, B.M., Rahel, F.J. 2020. Non-lethal fin sampling of North American freshwater fishes for food-web studies using stable isotopes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41(2):410-420. [doi, data + code]


  • Kirk, M.A., Maitland, B.M., Rahel, F.J. 2019. Spatial scale, reservoirs and nonnative species influence the homogenization & differentiation of Great Plains—Rocky Mountain fish faunas. Hydrobiologia 847: 3743-3757. [doi]
  • Hickerson, B.H., Maitland, B.M., Walters, A.W. 2019. Effects of multiple non-native predatory fish on an imperiled cyprinid, Hornyhead Chub (Nocomis biggutus). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148 (6): 1132-1145. [doi]
  • Maitland, B.M., O’Malley, B.P., Stewart, D.J. 2019. Subsurface water piping prevents meromixisis in a deep volcanic crater lake (Dominica, W.I.). Hydrobiologia 839: 119-130. [doi]
  • Alston, J.M., Maitland, B.M., Brito, B.T., Ford, A.T., Hays, B., Jesmer, B.R., Molina, F.J., Goheen, J.R. 2019. Reciprocity in restoration ecology: when might large carnivore reintroductions restore ecosystems? Biological Conservation 234: 82-89. [doi]


  • Walker, R.H., Maitland, B.M., LaSharr, T.N., Rosin, M., Ben-David, M. 2018. Fate of juvenile salmonids stranded in flood pools: implications for nutrient transfers. Aquatic Sciences 80: 1-10. [doi]


  • Craig, L., Olden, J., Arthington, A., Entrekin, S., Hawkins, C., Kelly, J., Kennedy, T., Maitland, B.M., Rosi-Marshall, E., Roy, A., Strayer, D., Tank, J., West, A., Wooten, M. 2017. Challenges, opportunities, and trade-offs associated with multiple threats in freshwater ecosystems. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 5:72. [doi]
  • Pandit, S.N., Maitland, B.M., Pandit, L.K., Poesch, M., Ender, E.V. 2017. Climate change risks, extinction debt, and conservation implications for an endangered freshwater fish: Carmine Shiner (Notropis percobromus). Science of the Total Environment. 598: 1-11. [doi]


  • Maitland, B.M., Poesch, M., Anderson, A.E. 2016. Prioritizing culvert removals to restore habitat for at-risk salmonids in the boreal forest. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 23: 489-502. [doi]
  • Maitland, B.M., Poesch, M., Anderson, A.E., Pandit, S.N. 2016. Industrial road crossings drive changes in community structure and instream habitat for freshwater fishes in the boreal forest. Freshwater Biology 61: 1-18. [doi]


  • Maitland, B.M., Cooke, S.J., Poesch, M. 2015. Finding the path to success: advice for early career researchers. Fisheries. 40(8): 399-403. [doi]


  • O’Malley, B.P., Maitland, B.M. 2014. Observations on the freshwater zooplankton of Dominica, West Indies, including records from the former Matthieu landslide-dam Lake. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Science. 9(3): 228-233. [reprint]

Technical reports


  • Mitro, M., Fiener, Z., Latzka, A.L., Barta, Embke, H., Homola, J., Isserman, D., Lyons, J., Maitland, B.M., Sass, G., Shaw, S., Shultz, A., Tsyehaye, I., Vander Zanden, J. 2021. Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts: Fisheries Working Group Report. Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI Department of Natural Resources, Madison, WI. [reprint]


  • Roseman, E.F., Riley, S.C., Farha, S.A., Maitland, B.M., Tucker, T.R., Provo, S.A., McLean, M.W. 2013. Status and Trends of the Lake Huron Offshore Demersal Fish Community, 1976-2012. Report to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Lake Huron Committee Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, U.S. Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan. [reprint]